I finished this bike about 2 weeks ago,been rode it like hell! this bike is so light! will post more pics of it soon. I bought those Pinball machines when I was in LBC I'm glad they're arrived safely! barbecue before watching FIFA World cup.
do guys actualy enjoy eating bun instead of rice ?? get real lah.. you ride american iron but it doesnt mean that ...blah blahh blahh..
@ Anonymous: Mas, mas... Situ kalau masih sering misspell sih nggak usah pakai bahasa Inggris segala. Kamu kasih comment pake bahasa Sunda pun akyu ngerti kok. You're the one who should get real. Kalau kere dan tak bisa berbahasa Inggris pasrah aja kak. Yiuk male.
Oh ya, menjawab pertanyaanmu, whether we enjoy eating bun instead of rice, oh well. Kami makan apapun yang kami sanggup beli. Kalau kamu kan makan nasi aking aja dibeliin si emakmu toh? Ahahay. Please, honey, if you can't afford to have the same things like what we're having now, don't be too sad. Life goes on ;) Cup cup waw waw.
Mending tajir & pinter kan daripada kere & goblok? ;)
Hahaha... Chill yo, ijk cuma somse' kalau abis baca komentar bodoh yg nggak mutu dari orang2 macam kamu. Errr, sekedar saran yesss, I think you need to get laid once in a while. I mean, get a life. Yiuk male.
do guys actualy enjoy eating bun instead of rice ?? get real lah.. you ride american iron but it doesnt mean that ...blah blahh blahh..
we actually enjoy eating everything..!! rice, bun, fries, mashed potato, pasta, even steamed cassava will cheer us up...
@ Anonymous: Mas, mas... Situ kalau masih sering misspell sih nggak usah pakai bahasa Inggris segala. Kamu kasih comment pake bahasa Sunda pun akyu ngerti kok. You're the one who should get real. Kalau kere dan tak bisa berbahasa Inggris pasrah aja kak. Yiuk male.
Oh ya, menjawab pertanyaanmu, whether we enjoy eating bun instead of rice, oh well. Kami makan apapun yang kami sanggup beli. Kalau kamu kan makan nasi aking aja dibeliin si emakmu toh? Ahahay. Please, honey, if you can't afford to have the same things like what we're having now, don't be too sad. Life goes on ;) Cup cup waw waw.
anjir sombong nyo..
Mending tajir & pinter kan daripada kere & goblok? ;)
Hahaha... Chill yo, ijk cuma somse' kalau abis baca komentar bodoh yg nggak mutu dari orang2 macam kamu. Errr, sekedar saran yesss, I think you need to get laid once in a while. I mean, get a life. Yiuk male.
komentar bodoh dari seorang pengecut yg cuma berani berkomentar tanpa nama.
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